There are two classical languages: Latin and Greek.

Students study Greek as part of the regular program in grades 7-8.  This two-year course covers the Greek alphabet and the basics of Greek grammar, vocabulary, and translation.   Students are enlightened by the similarities between Latin and Greek grammar, and are surprised to learn about the large number of Greek roots in both English and Latin.

Why do we require classical Greek as an essential component of a well-rounded education? Even though our classical and Christian heritage from the ancient world has come down to us through the Latin language, most of that inheritance has actually been Greek in origin.

The ancient Greeks created a body of thought characterized by such brilliance and clarity that it has been called the Greek Miracle ever since. Their work in philosophy, literature, art, logic, mathematics, and science has been the wellspring of western civilization. The Greeks have been and remain the world’s first and greatest teachers in the natural order. The Romans, as has every generation since, imitated and enlarged, but did not reverse, the Greek depository of knowledge.

Even more importantly, the New Testament was composed in Greek, and the Old Testament, in the form of the Greek Septuagint, was the Bible of the apostles and the New Testament Church.

Since Divine Providence has so ordained that the sources of both human and divine wisdom be clothed in the garment of the Greek language, there can be no more compelling reason to recommend the study of classical Greek.

We are pleased that we are able to offer Greek to our students as an integral part of their language education.  For students who choose to continue their study, Greek will be offered as an elective in grades 9-12.